Milking Time by Fay Edelman


ARTIST NOTES: The cows are walking along the path to the dairy at a farm in Glenfyne, Victoria

DIMENSIONS (Height - 34.00 cm X Width - 64.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Oil on Canvas Board
GENRE Animals
REGISTERED NRN # 000-1671-0181-01
COPYRIGHT © Fay Edelman
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Artist: Fay Edelman


Fay Edelman is an award winning Melbourne artist who has been drawing and painting all her life. After secondary school, she studied Fashion Designing and worked in this area for a number of years. She later did teacher training and majored in art at university. She then taught art to children at Primary School. She is now retired from teaching and is dedicating her time to her art work.

Fay paints with a passion and all her work makes a statement or tells a story. She is forever trialling different styles and techniques which are reflected in her diverse work. Observing colours, light and shade and the small things around us are the inspiration for painting and the great joys of life.

Fay sells her work in a variety of shows and shops as well as doing commissions. She is also a member of the Brighton Art Society, member of AGRA and tutors art at U3A Glen Eira.



Copyright: Gallery247