Metung Sunset by Peter Gibson



DIMENSIONS (Height - 82.00 cm X Width - 112.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Oil on Canvas
GENRE Seascape
REGISTERED NRN # 000-2599-0142-01
COPYRIGHT © Peter Gibson


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Artist: Peter Gibson


Peter is a Past President of AGRA (Australian Guild of Realistic Artists)

He was born in Melbourne in 1944, was educated at Xavier College, and studied Drawing at Swinburne College Hawthorn.

He also studied under Ambrose Griffin a well known Landscape artist at the time, and more recently under Colin Johnson notable Art scholar and Teacher. Colin is well known to the Gippsland Art scene having conducted painted classes with the late Charlie McCubbin for the Sale Regional Art Centre.

During the 1960's, Peter sold work through Out Door Art Shows, and exhibited at various Galleries including Malvern and Camberwell. Due to pressing business commitments, time was scarse until he retired in 2009.

Peter is currently building a range of works of various sizes from 600 x 450mm up to 1400 x 950mm. Subject matter varies from Portraits, Animal Studies, Landscapes and Seascapes.

Mediums include Oils and Acrylic on Canvas and Board.

Peter is motivated by unusual subjects painted from both Local and International sources he has visited. He enjoys painting realistic, dramatic and atmospheric subjects which feature an emphasis on Texture and Colour

Copyright: Gallery247