Beach In The Storm by Marnie Higgs


ARTIST NOTES: Part of the "Yellow Umbrella" series, 'Beach in the Storm' was my first play with backgrounds. After discovering painting while I was in hospital being treated for depression and anxiety, the Yellow Umbrella series grew out of my growing wellness and improving mental health. The umbrella to me signifies strength and stability - I love the girl watching the storm over the horizon and paddling in the water, carefree and happy.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 29.70 cm X Width - 21.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Watercolour on Paper
GENRE No Genre Entered
REGISTERED NRN # 000-38663-0135-01
COPYRIGHT © Marnie Higgs


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Artist: Marnie Higgs


I had an unconventional start to my artistic life - in November 2016 I was in hospital being treated for depression and anxiety.  A friend told me to take in paints to curb the inevitable boredom and after 2 weeks being in, I found myself opening up my set of watercolours and two paintbrushes and looking for some inspiration to start painting.  After looking at photos and pictures on the internet I started painting and - to my surprise - found myself producing work after work. I've never shown artistic abilities before and I think the treatment in hospital, the fact I had time to myself, and the moment I was in in my life all culminated to a point where I had something to say through painting.  Much to my friends and family's surprise!  The positive reinforcement I received posting pictures of my paintings on Facebook led to me searching out a professional fine art printer once I was out of hospital (after a lengthy 6 week admission).  I sold almost 80 prints to friends and family in December, providing me a much needed boost to my confidence and leading me to setting up my own website -

Since then, I now sell fine art giclée prints of my work online and I've started doing markets around Melbourne including Rose Street Artists Market and the Heide Makers Market. I am open and honest about my journey through mental illness and how it has led me to this point in my life.  I believe my improving mental health and my challenges with mental illness tell a story, and this story can be seen in a number of my works.  The night I was discharged from hospital I started a series of butterflies in a series called #cantfly - showing my vulnerability and fear that, even though we all have wings, I might be forever tethered to the ground.  My improving health also started a new series in 2017 called "Yellow Umbrella" - a symbol of security and safety. 

I now paint to communicate things I may not be able to speak about, and also as a means of therapy.  I am so lucky to have friends and family who  have supported me through this artistic journey and have led me to this place in my life - where I am able to speak freely about my battles and how I am overcoming them.

Copyright: Gallery247